When we talk about starting to make $10,000 a month with online business using ChatGPT, this is my top 7 ways to make money with ChatGPT.

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Intro: 00:00
A.I. Method 1: 00:23
A.I. Method 2: 00:44
A.I. Method 3: 08:54
A.I. Method 4: 13:16
A.I. Method 5: 15:34
A.I. Method 6: 19:09
A.I. Method 7: 23:34

#ai #chatgpt

how to make money online 2023, make money with ChatGPT.

This video I will share with you guys Seven different digital products that You can make using AI tools and some of These products can earn you over thirty Thousand dollars per month just by Utilizing AI I will try to go as fast as I can through all of these seven Different products so you can choose Which one is best for you to start Making money online so make sure to Watch this video till end our first Digital AI product will be storybooks For kids now the reason why I’m showing You guys this is because it is very Profitable first of all and second it is Really easy to make so for example you Can see that this storybook for kids has Over 14 000 reviews which is actually Only almost five star reviews and that Is just small amount of people that just Come back on Amazon and let review you Can also see that they’re selling it on Kindle as digital product for 4.49 or Hand cover for six dollars and ninety Cents so let’s take an average at say That people are paying five dollars for The storybook and let’s only calculate The amount of people that left review Which is actually not 100 but let’s say Only people that left review that would Be seventy thousand dollars plus just by Selling this storybook and I’m going to Show you guys how you can actually make This storybook for kids just by using AI

Tools so our first AI tool is going to Be chat to GPT we are going to use chat GPT to create title and also to create a S’mores small story for our storybook so First of all what we want to say to chat GPT is to create title for storybook and You can also put for example if you want Storybook around Bears or something like That whatever you wish for but if you Don’t have any ideas you can just write Create title for storybook and what is Going to happen is chat GPT is going to Give you guys different options so you Can see the forest of magical Adventure So basically this is our one time title For storybook but if you don’t want this One you can say give me more titles so Here you can see Chad GPT gave us 10 Another options but for example we’re Going to use this as our title for Storybook now what you want to do is you Want to write create chapter For outline for and you want to paste The title of your storybook and write Storybook See that we have full story for our Storybook now the next thing that you Need to do is you need to create a small Writing story for each and every outline So we want to copy the first outline and We want to paste it right here and say Write write them story and you want to Press enter so what is going to happen Now is chat GPT is going to provide you

Guys for each outline write-on story now What happened is we have a story for Each and every outline now what we need Now for our storybook is these images That we can actually generate with using Another AI tool so we can use actually Mid Journey you probably heard about it You can use mid journey to generate Images just by based on text so you can Put prompts with text and what is going To happen is a mid journey is going to Generate you images so we can go and Sign up for Mid Journey click on join The beta create your Discord and what You can do right here is you can put Prompts for whatever image you need and Meet journey is going to do it for you So we can say for example just to show You guys how this works we want to say Imagine and we want to input prompts so We want to go back on chat GPT and for Example copy this chapter one mystery Forest so we want to paste the mystery Forest and we’re going to press enter so What is going to happen now it is going To take probably around from one to Three minutes to generate our image you Can see it is generating right now so it Took us around let’s say one minute to Generate this amazing mystery for us and You can choose whatever image you want If you want for example this first one You want to click it you want if you Want the second one you want to click U2

So you want to go and download this Image just by clicking the right click On your image and save image once you Choose which one you like after that you Want to go and create for every every Single chapter image and you want to Come back on canva now canva is a place Where you’re going to combine images With text and create a storybook where You can actually go now and publish on Amazon so this is how easy it is to Create digital product using AI tools Our second digital AI product is going To be creating content for websites now You can go actually two ways with this Method you can actually go and sell Content as freelancer to other websites Or you can actually create your own Website and make money from it I’m going To show you guys how easy it is to Create content for websites just by Using AI tools so first of all you want To do a research of the keyword that You’re trying to Target so for example I Want to do a niche how to lose weight And I want to see how many people are Searching for this keyword so I’m going To say how to lose weight and for Example I want to Target United it States to see how many people in United States are targeting these keywords so I’m going to click on find keyword and What is going to happen is I’m going to See how many people are searching how to

Lose weight keywords on Google so how to Lose weight fast people are searching 208 284 000 times per month in United States but How to lose weight only people are Searching 103 000 times per month in United States so you can go and get some Ideas for example how to lose weight Fast in two weeks you can see 12 000 Times per month you can get some ideas What keywords you can Target so what I’m Going to do now is I’m going to jump on Chat GPT and I’m going to for example Say let’s say 10 let’s say seven or Eight ways to lose weight and I’m going To say create content and what is going To happen is chat GPT Me seven different ways how you can go And actually lose weight now you can go Now and use this content on your website But before you do that what I usually do Is I use quill bot now there are some Tools that actually can detect the Content that is written by AI so what You want to do is you want to use this Quill bot to paraphrase some of the Parts from this website and the reason Why I’m targeting for example seven ways Or 10 ways to lose weight is because if You go on Google and search how to lose Weight fast you can see 12 tips to help You lose weight or how to lose weight in Three simple steps so you can see that People are actually creating content in

This Niche just like this and you can See that they’re making money from ads Or they’re promoting for example weight Cloud products that they’re going to Earn commission on for recommending Those products so that is why I’m Creating content like this like seven Ways to lose weight so what we want to Do now is we want to copy for example This first paragraph and we want to come Back on quill bot and we want to paste This content right here and click on Paraphrase so what this means is Quail Bot is going to change the phrases or Rephrase some of the content from chat GPT and create unique content for our Website so you can see how different it Is for you can see how different text is From chat GPT and actually after real Bot so that is why we are using Quillmark before we put this content on Our website now you can go and sell this Content or you can go and now and post It on your website now how you can make Money from this content for example you Can sign up for websites like ClickBank This is one of the largest affiliate Networks where you can sign up and Promote other people’s products for huge Commissions to show you guys an example I’m going to come on ClickBank and login I’m going to see the top offers and you Can see this diet weight loss product This is actually a physical product you

Can sell for a commission of 139 dollars For each person that buys this product On average you’re going to earn 139 Dollars for example if you get one sale Per day that would be almost let’s say Four thousand five hundred dollars per Month so that is how you can make money With AI writing content our third Digital product using AI is my personal Favorite and that is video creation just From text I’m going to show you guys how Great this tool is called a victory Which you can go and use Link down in The description and sign up for free Trial test it out but I’m going to show You guys how you can treat this tool as Your employee and how you can make a lot Of money with it so first of all there Are some paid options of course you’re Going to see the pricing I’m actually Using fully expected Victory but you can See that it costs around 39 dollars per Month for premium version or Standard Version 19 per month and a lot of people Are going to be thrown off that because They need to pay for this tool but Actually your treating this like Employee you’re using this tool to make Money online and this is going to be Your worker and I’m going to show you Guys how you can treat Victory like your Worker so first of all you want to Create account the link will be down in The description you can sign up for free

Test it out but what are you going to See once you’re logged in you’re going To see a page like this so you can turn Scripts to video you can turn articles To video you can turn and edit videos Using text or visuals to video so how Are we going to treat this tool like our Employee so first of all I have used This before and you can see that this Video has over 500 000 views on YouTube And you can go and create for your own YouTube channel or you can sell it as Freelancer so there are tons of Different freelancer websites where you Can sell videos where people are going To give you guys instructions and you Can use those instructions to create for Example YouTube videos Tick Tock videos And and so on over 80 percent of the People on a Fiverr are using Victory to Create videos for their customers that Is why they charge solo for example ten Dollars per video starting thirty Dollars per video starting and so on so That is why they can charge this low is Because they’re using uh AI tools like Victory and you can see the text right Here I’m going to show you guys how this AI tool works so for example from the Previous video we’re going to use the Text right here this is going to be our Article that we’re going to turn into Video so we’re going to come back on Victory click on proceed for script to

Video we want to paste our text right Here and what are we going to do now is We’re going to click on proceed right Here so what is going to happen then is We’re going to choose the template how Our text is going to show up so you can Choose tons of different ones I’m going To choose this picture default right Here and I’m going to choose for YouTube Video so what is going to happen now is Victory is going to find the perfect Video for your text and they’re going to Put together text and video and you’re Done you can create your first video for Your YouTube channel the problem now is You’re going to get watermarks so Basically you’re going to get the story Block of watermarks if you use free Version but if you use premium version Like me you’re not going to have this Problem and if you are for example Selling this you can’t have watermarks Because that looks very unprofessional So 19 per month or 39 per month is Nothing compare what you’re going to Make with this software so basically you Can see that we have perfect videos Found for our Victory video and we can Go now and generate the video or you can Change the visuals for example if you Don’t like this one you can choose this One or change whatever you wish and you Can also add audio you can add music to Your video you can add voiceover to

Someone to read text you can see for Example it is Use their over I think 50 voices and Once you’re done once you choose the Voices once you choose which music you Like or if you don’t want any of this You can also ignore it but if you want Voiceover someone to read your text you Can do that also and once you’re done Click on generate and click on video and In less than two minutes you’re going to Have your video downloaded on your PC You can upload it on your YouTube Channel or you can sell it as freelancer And this is really the easiest way to Make money online right now using AI our Fourth digital AI products will be Creating stickers using Ai and selling Them on websites like Etso now a lot of You guys are going to ask me but who is Buying these stickers because you Probably didn’t spend any money before Online on stickers but if you go on this For example sticker this dog sticker That costs 7.74 cents and you can see That this store has over 53 sales so This is one of the best sticker stores You need to keep that in mind but let’s Say 7.74 cents times 53 000 you can see That this can add up to over four Hundred and ten thousand dollars in Revenue and I want to show you guys how You can go and easily create stickers Using AI tools like mid Journey now

Again we’re going to use mid Journey you Want to jump in on Discord and what you Want to do is you want to go on this Discord room and we want to go and type In right here imagine and for example We’re going to create a golden retriever Sticker so what are we going to write is We’re going to write create golden Retriever sticker and we’re going to Press enter so what is going to happen After a round from let’s say one to Three minutes mid journey is going to Create us a perfect sticker that we can Go now and sell on website that is Called ETSU now you can see we have Created our golden retriever sticker That we can go now and publish on Etso Now what we also need for example we Need to remove the background because we Want to create stickers that don’t have Background so how we can do that you can Choose first the which image you want so For example we want this first one so You want to click on U1 once it you Provide the only image of your sticker You want to right click on this image Click on Save and save your sticker on Your desktop once you’re done with that You want to go on website called remove BG and you want to upload your image and Remove the backgrounds leaving it only With a sticker so now you can go and put Your sticker on ETSU and sell it as Sticker you want to go and repeat this

Browse process and upload as many as you Can stickers so you can get best chance Of sales our fifth digital product using AI is going to be copywriting and sales Copy now ai tool that we’re going to use For this is going to be copy dot Ai and This is really important for any Business out there for example you need More engaging emails because when you Send emails and more people open your Emails you’re going to get more sales For example for YouTube video if you Have thumbnails or YouTube titles that Are engaging and eye-catching you’re Going to get more views that equals more Money and that is whatever you’re trying To sell whatever you’re trying to Promote if you get more views you’re Getting going to get more money and that Is why people are paying for sales copy And copywriting and here you can see Once you’re logged in I’m using free Version you can get a digital ad copy so You can get copy for ads you can get Website copy you can get tools emails These emails is really good because you Can sell this for a lot of money for Example if you go on Fiverr you can get For example I will write you a powerful Email sequence for driving sales you can Start from 55 dollars per customer and You can see that this girl has over 300 Reviews which means let’s say 1000 or 2000 people bought this product and the

Starting price is 55 that equals a lot Of money so you can see that I will Write your code email sequence and tons Of different offers that are related to Our Um product that we can offer with our Copy AI tool what is really important For example for me is social media so You can see right here you can get YouTube video title so this is really Important because if I get more for Example more clicks on my videos I’m Going to get more views I’m going to get More ad Revenue more sponsorships and so On that is why this tool is really Important for example for me so how this Tool works you can go and click whatever You need I need right now for example YouTube video title I can explain right Here what is this video about and then I Can choose the tone so I can choose if It’s luxury friendly relaxed Professional for this it would be around Professional so I would choose Professional I would explain in let’s Say 100 words what is this video about And I can click on create content and What is going to happen I’m going to get Few titles for my YouTube video which I Can use to attract more viewers which Equals more customers more whatever I’m Trying to do so this is really important For any business out there you can go For example and sell YouTube titles this

Is also something really important you Can see I will write you SEO titles Descriptions tags for your YouTube video Starting price 15 over 700 reviews I Will write you best SEO title Description you can see again 507 25 Reviews starting price is 10 and Starting price is usually something that No one is going to buy people are Probably going to pay for this service From 20 to 30 to 50 dollars so this is Something really easy to do as I said Because once you start getting how to Create titles how to create sales copies Emails using this AI tool it can be very Profitable and the best thing about this Is you don’t have any costs of providing This service you are going to just pay For some service from the software that Are probably not that expensive and you Can also start out for free which means That you don’t need to pay for anything To start this business our sixth digital AI product will be creating ebooks using For example chat GPT now I want to show You guys how easily this can be done so For example you want to write a book on Affiliate marketing so you can say write Subtopic For affiliate marketing And you can press enter so what is going To happen is chat GPT is going to Provide you with side topics for Affiliate marketing so what we want to

Do now is for example we want to create Uh ebook on the basics of affiliate Marketing so what we can do now is we Can say right outline for and you want To paste the basics of affiliate Marketing next thing is what is going to Happen is you’re going to get basically Full outline for your ebook you can see That we have got full outline you can See introduction how affiliate marketing Works benefits of affiliate marketing And so on so basically we have outline For our full ebook next thing that we Want to do is we want to go on Google Docs and show you guys Google Docs Because word is not free so I’m going to Show you guys how you can go and create Your small ebook just by using Google Docs you want to go and open your Account on Google Docs and you want to Paste everything from chat to GPT that You have just created you want want to Copy and you want to paste it on Google Docs now you have full outline next Thing that we want to do now is you want To go and create for each of the outline You want to create a Content so for Example explanation of what the Affiliate marketing is you want to say Right about and you want to copy the First outline so the first outline is Explanation of what is affiliate Marketing and you’re basically going to Get full content for each and every

Subtopic you want to copy each and every Subtopic paste it say right about each Subtopic and then you want to go and Compile this in your ebook now you can See for our first subtopic we have full Text or full content and we want to copy That and we want to paste in our Google Docs you want to do this for every Single soft topic we have probably Around I think 15 and you want to do it For each and every single subtopic You’re probably going to get get around Let’s say from 50 to 100 page ebook next Thing that we want to do is we need to Create this ebook look professional how We can do that we can go on with me Website and we can go and create Anything and make it really professional You can sign up for free you want to use Free templates and you for example want To go and create your project click on Create new project you want to create Presentation or documents or social Media or whatever you need we are going To create ebook and you can see that we Have tons of different templates that we Can choose so affiliate marketing is Related to laptops so you can choose for Example some of these templates for Example I’m going to click on this first One just to show you guys how it looks Like so you can go now and just copy and Paste it your ebook right here and get Fully professional ebook so you want to

Put the name of the book here you want To put affiliate marketing Basics you Want to put the name of the author you Want to put some of the images and you Also want to add pages so you just want To just copy and paste everything from Your Google Docs back to this website You can choose the pages you can see Introduction you can put whatever you Want here you want to copy and paste Your text you want to maybe change the Images and you’re going to have a Professional ebook once you’re done you Can download your ebook and you’ll for Example go and you can go and sell it on Amazon or the easiest way you can do it Is go create gumroad start with zero Dollars investment you don’t want to Spend any money in the beginning you’re Just going to pay commissions to gumroad For each sale so whenever someone buys For example ten dollars ebook you’re Going to get nine dollars and gumroad is Going to keep one dollar and this is Really the easiest way to start your Online business you can now promote your Your ebook on social media or wherever You wish it is best suitable to promote Your ebook our seventh and our last Digital product with AI is going to be Generating storytelling or creating Presentations using this AI tool called Tome app I really love this tool because It is really beneficial you can start

Creating for example presentations for You or other people for money and you Can do it with just a few clicks I’m Going to show you guys how easy it is to Use Tom app so first of all you can get Started for free click on this button Right here and then you’re going to see A page that looks like this where you Can choose different templates or edits But I’m going to click on create right Here and what is going to happen is I’m Going to create presentation what would You like to do I’m going to say create Presentation and what is the Presentation about making money with Bitcoin for example And I’m going to press enter so it is Going to take some time to generate our Full presentation around making money With Bitcoin which you can go then and Change whatever you like you don’t need To use exactly this same presentation so It took us around let’s say two minutes For this presentation to be done and you Can see we have a crypto caching making Money with Bitcoin you can change as I Said whatever you don’t like for example I don’t like to have staking Bitcoin for Example or mining Bitcoin so I can Delete that or change the text and you Can see how professional this Presentation looks like I also don’t Like these images because they are AI Generated and they look very ugly in my

Opinion so I would maybe remove the Images I would do some changing in the Text but overall this is a really great Tool that you can help you guys generate Presentations with just few clicks you Can see mining Bitcoin very weird image That is generally created by AI maybe I Like this one I would for example keep This one but these previous ones are Very very weird so you can see how Easily it can be done creating and I Really don’t like this one so you can Just generate images and presentations Using the stone map it is really easy to Do and if you don’t know how you can Make money from these presentations you Can basically do presentations for other People you can charge them you don’t Need to charge them 390 dollars because They are going to do professional Premium PowerPoint presentations people Are paying top dollar for this kind of Presentations but you’re going to do AI Generated so you want to charge for Example 20 to 30 dollars maybe from 10 To 30 dollars per presentation you can See this one guy is charging over one Thousand six hundred dollars for the Presentation but these are the top level Ones you want to do it for a lower Amount and gain the volume on your gigs So for example you can see these guys Doing presentations for thirty dollars Starting and he has already 56 reviews

This guy has forty dollars for Presentation starting at 334 reviews so You want to go and start with a lower Amount and then build it up to these Higher amounts once you start gaining Traction for this kind of job so that is It for today’s video if you have any Questions feel free to ask in comments Down below and also if you have any Ideas what should next video be about Make sure to leave also comment down Below make sure to like this video to Support me for making this free content And thank you guys for watching see you Soon and bye

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