I will show you 7 different Ai tools that are in my opinion better than ChatGPT. The reason I think ChatGPT is bad is because it is crashing all the time. Open Ai Can’t handle amount of people that are coming on website daily so here are 8 alternatives to ChatGPT that are going to do the job.

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Intro: 00:00 – 00:19
First Ai Tool : 00:19 – 02:19
Second Ai Tool: 02:29 – 04:09
Third Ai Tool: 04:09 – 06:11
Fourth Ai Tool: 06:35 – 08:03
Fifth Ai Tool: 08:03 – 10:52

Disclaimer: You understand that I will receive compensation for anything I recommend either as an affiliate or from my own products. Any earnings or income representations are aspirational statements only of your earning potential. There is no guarantee that you’ll receive the same results or any results at all for that matter.

These five AI tools will change the way How we work and they will make you five Times more productive join us as we Explore The Cutting Edge of AI and how It is changed the world we live in make Sure to watch this video till end Because you will for sure use at least One of these AI tools our first AI tool For today’s video is going to be open Ai And I want to share with you guys first Of all why you should never use chat GPT Because it has a very big problem and I Want to show you guys how you can avoid This problem so the very big problem Right now is you can probably see this Message 50 of the time that chat GPT is At full capacity right now so this is Really annoying and I want to share with You guys how you can actually avoid this So if you go on Beta.openai.com Playground this is basically the same API that chatty GPT use so basically You’re using chat GPT without ever Crashing and this is something that Looks a little bit uglier than chat GPT You can tell but the difference is you Don’t have any limitations which is Really great you don’t have censorships Or stuff like that you can use this same Thing as at GPT but even better so what You want to do how to use it you can ask Any question give it any task right here You can for example say best places to

Visit to visit in Europe And how you can use this playground you Want to click right here on this button At the bottom left click on submit and Basically it is same thing as chat GPT There using same apis just the Difference is how it looks and it never Crashes and the greatest part about this Is as I said you don’t have any Limitations don’t have any censorships So this is a really great tool to use You can also say write code for WordPress A website And it is going to code for you it is Going to provide you with almost same Things as chat GPT but as I said it is Never going to crash it is never going To have any problems and it is really Great tool our second AI tool is Actually one of my favorite ones it is Called tone app and it is used for Generative storytelling you can actually Go and create presentations or story Storytelling presentations in less than Few clicks I’m going to show you guys How this app works and why it is Actually that great so you can go and Log in create your 100 free account you Can go and click on Create and you can Actually go and create presentation About anything so you can go and say Write presentation for Bitcoin And you can go and press enter it is

Going to take some time and as I said This app works like a charm it is going To generate text it is going to generate Images and what you also want to do is You always want to check if everything Is correct in your presentations you Don’t want just to leave it as it is and Just like that 30 seconds later we have Full presentation for Bitcoin you can See that we are going to get also the Text scripts and also of course images That are generated by AI you can of Course go and change the images if you Don’t like them or you think it is not The perfect one for your presentation You can also check the text you can also Change whatever you want you can delete Whatever you want I’m going to show you Guys how it looks like you can go and Delete whatever you want in the text you Can change as I said the images and you Can see this looks very professional and I really love this tomap presentation Patients because they look amazing You’re going to get the text or you can Get also the images and this is done in Less than 30 seconds so that is why I Really love Tom app our third AI tool For today’s video is called did and this Is one of the most popular AI tools Right now I wanted to use it to create Some of the YouTube videos for my YouTube channel but I actually didn’t Test it out yet and I want to show you

Guys how this tool works because it is Really interesting you can go and create Creative reality studio just got even Better now as well as animating images From text or audio you can create Avatars and generate strips using stable Diffusion Three just describe what you want your Avatar to look like and press create It’s really interesting because you can Actually go and create your avatars you Can also go and tell them what you what To say you’re going to get generative Voice and also you’re going to get this Avatar to move you can also upload the Images if you want to you can say for Example hello how are you And you can go and get this uh guy say What you generated so you can go and Click generate video you can also choose The different avatars if you want to and It is really interesting because as I Said you can go and now create Generative videos for your YouTube Channel or sales video or whatever You’re trying to sell or produce so this Is something really interesting you can Also upload your own voice you can Record your own voice you can do Different stuff with this tool I as I Said I wanted to use it before for my YouTube videos but I actually didn’t Test it out yet so you can go and test It out see if it’s for you or not so I

Generated a small video just to show you Guys how it looks how are you and you Can see I said hello how are you and you Can see basically it is moving uh mouth It is also moving eyes and as I said Very interesting tool I should test it Out in the future and see how it is Going to help me for example for my YouTube videos and YouTube channel our Fourth AI tool is going to be copy dot AI now this is a really great tool for Example if you need for blog posts or High converting posts or for example Emails there are different stuff that You can do with this tool you can you Can see right blog post digital copy ECommerce copy sales copy social media Content website copy and you can also Create as I said emails for example Professional emails depending on what You need so you can go and start using The software for free just go and click To create your free account you’re going To have seven days to try this software Out you don’t need to pay for anything You can just it out for free and on the Left you can choose what you need so for Example if you need website copy or blog Tools or email letter for example social Media tools copy and I’m going to for Example say cancellation email so let’s Put for example a candy email and I’m Going to say I need cancellation email For candy company

I have put a really weird uh description Of the product because I want to show You guys how this tool can actually go And create copy for almost anything out There so I’m going to take a few seconds Just to wait and see what is going to Come up with so you can see thank you For choosing a candy sorry to hear you Decided not to continue with your Subscription so basically there are tons Of different options that you can choose For cancellation of a candy company so Tons of different stuff that you can use This tool and I highly recommend you Guys to try it out it is as I said free To try so you don’t need to worry about Paying for anything and our last fifth AI tool for today is going to be Jasper Now this is AI tool I actually used Before and I think this is a really Great tool if you need ad copy or Something like that you can go and use It for different stuff like creating Original content that ranks actually Leave for SEO so you can go and generate As I said website posts blog posts Different stuff I can actually use to Boost ad conversions it really did some Great stuff for me before you can go and Do different stuff you can go and write Blogs with ideas for a robot breakdown Language barrier and tons of different Stuff with Jasper I really like this Tool it is actually the paid one you can

Try it out for free I still use free Account you can see I have USD to Generate my first blog post I have used To generate social media posts and I Want to show you guys how you can go for Example and generate for example Ad copy so I want to say to make ad for Candy I need Add four candy company so I need ad for Candy company that sells chocolate and You can go and choose which town you Want uh you can go and use these Different options but this is a four Paid one and you can go and click on Generate now it is going to provide us With a really great ad copy that you can Use and I think this is a really great Tool because as I said you can use it For tons of different stuff and it is Very useful to have and this is actually One of my favorite ones you can also go And create blog posts for a website that Can actually rank with SEO which is Great so I’m going to wait a few seconds Just to see what is going to come up With so you can see this is what Jasper Came up with and I think this is a Really great ad copy that is calling People to action if you are seller of Your bean seller before you actually Know what is call to action what is uh Sales copy and this is really great ones That you can go and actually use to

Actually sell what you’re trying to Offer sometimes you can’t come come up With a great attention for example title Or something that is going to create Desire for so this is a really great Tool that you can go and use it for Creative stuff so that is it for today’s Video guys if you have any questions Feel free to ask in comments down below If you enjoyed the video make sure to Like And subscribe to see future videos On how to use chat GPT or AI different Tools

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