Today we’re diving into the best AI tools our right now! Everyone already knows about ChatGPT, but these tools are even better. These tools will not only save you huge amounts of time, but will also make your life so much easier. Whether that’s writing emails, pranking your friends, making presentations, cloning voices, editing videos, making VFX, and so much more!

Compose AI

Eleven Labs

Runway ML



GPT Playground

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🔌⚡Procedural Materials Library:
🔌⚡Dnatmos World Shader & Modular Studio:
🔌⚡Procedural Building Generator:
🔌⚡Human Generator V3:
🔌⚡Flip Fluids:

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What’s up everybody it’s your boy Nate AI fools have taken over 2023 by storm With tools like open ai’s track GPT Breaking records as well as mid-journey And Dolly becoming complete disruptors What if I was to tell you they are just The beginning and that there are so many Other awesome tools that you can get Your hands on right now for free and it Will completely change the way that you Work well stick around because I’m going To be going over a tool that will most Likely get banned another one that’s Going to save you a huge amount of time When making presentations and one that’s Honestly super fun to prank all of your Friends with anyways I’m super excited I Know you are too alright let’s go [Music] So first up we have compose AI now most People know that patchy PT is super Awesome for writing those boring emails That you don’t want to respond to well Guess what compose AI does pretty much What Chachi BT does except it’s plugged Right into your browser so you don’t Have to be switching back and forth Different tabs and copying and pasting Because let’s face it in the world of AI You shouldn’t have to be doing anything Manually that was a joke guys by the way Don’t don’t murder me in the comments The cool thing about compose AI is that It’ll read your emails on a specific

Thread and let you respond very quickly So you can click this button right here That says say yes and it will actually Compose an email that says yes to Whatever it is that was being talked About or you can say no in a very polite And not rude manner at all as well as Being able to give it specific text Prompts for what you want to tell a Person without sounding completely Unprofessional so hey now this is just The tip of the iceberg with this AI Because you can also use it inside of a Text editing document like Google docs You can make it give you things like a Bullet pointed list of ideas or a Paragraph about a specific subject and You can do that all without leaving that Tab and going over to chat gbt okay next Up we have 11 Labs now this one has to Be one of my favorite AI tools because Months ago there was notice that this Tool was going to get shut down and Banned guess what it is months later and This tool is still available you can Still use it now I know a bunch of People are gonna be like hey Nate this Is not completely free because there is A trial period however I will say that I’ve gotten away using this AI for a Long period of time I’m able to make a Bunch of different results using it Without having to actually pay for a Subscription the little cool 21st

Century hack is just make another email And Bam all of a sudden you get another You know trial period the cool thing About this trial period is that it’s not Just by a time limit but actually by a Character amount of 30 000 characters Which I I haven’t even scratched the Surface of so I think you guys will be Safe here now the reason why this app Wasn’t to get banned and shut down was Because a lot of people were taking Clips of like Joe Biden or Joe Rogan I Don’t know why they take all the joke Named people but yeah they take those People’s voices since there’s a lot of Content out there with just their voices They uploaded it and then they’re Instantly able to recreate their voice And make them say all sorts of crazy Stuff and if you’re curious how you can Get around using this AI without Actually owning another person’s voice There’s really just a check box that Says I own this voice and that’s it Whereas some of the other AI tools that Clone voices they require you to have a Specific script that most people don’t Have this one’s super flexible in that Regards now so far I’ve used this to Prank some of my friends into thinking That I hired someone to tell them the Very specific relations I’ve been having With their mothers which is not only Immature but I gotta say it’s actually

Pretty fun the really cool thing about This AI generator and voice synthesis Tool is just how expressive and lifelike The voice sounds like it doesn’t sound Like Siri or Google’s voice AI that just Sounds super robotic it actually sounds Pretty realistic now I’ve messed around With this before but for some reason I Thought the voice sounded a little bit More not me but I’ll let you guys decide For yourself does this sound like me This this next section is going to get Read entirely by the AI that it Generated let me know in the comments What you think does this AI voice Actually sound like me if so it should Be able to say things like poop and Balls with no problem whatsoever or Maybe it can’t say that I don’t know you Decide is this close enough to me to Pass by the way all the emotions here Are made by this AI kind of freaky Subscribe and hit like if you’re Enjoying this video okay sorry I had to Plug that in there here at number three We have Runway ml this has been out for A while but I gotta say I haven’t gotten Into using it until more recently the Really cool thing about this tool is That it is completely in browser and it Lets you edit not only videos right There inside of your browser but it lets You do some really complex VFX level Stuff with the power of AI so

Traditionally if I wanted to remove Something thing from a scene I would Have to spend hours on After Effects Like masking out stuff and then filling In the background and having to shoot The video in a pretty specific way However using the power of AI I can just Quickly scribble over whatever I want to Remove and then bam instantly the In-painting feature in runaway ml will Remove it from that entire video clip Even if it’s moving cameras and all over The place so this is freaking awesome it Definitely helps shave hours and hours Off of a workload that requires removing Stuff from the background and guess what This is just the tip of the iceberg when It comes to AI powered video editing There are just so many more tools that I Can’t even get into in this video so hey You guys want to check it out go ahead Look down below now there may not be a Free trial available for this at the Moment I kind of got it a little bit Earlier and I’ve been seeing them shift Their pages around a lot but if you guys Are still curious aren’t able to get Access to it I do have a contact who’s Over there at Runway if you leave enough Comments down below maybe we can get Some free trials out for everyone Anyways on to the next one this next Tool is descript and the reason why I Love it is because it completely

Rethinks the way that editing videos Should go traditionally video editing Requires a video clip and you to cut Video however dscript flips this on its Head and instead you upload whatever Video you want to edit and instantly It’s gonna use its AI to actually Transcribe the entire video so if you Want to change certain sections cut Things out rearrange them you actually Get this text document on the side here That you can rearrange stuff it’s going To apply that to the video as well not Only that but you can also upload hours Of your voice so I can clone your voice And if you mispronounce something or Want to change what you say you can Actually type in what you want your own Voice to say and it’s going to fill that In pretty cool and I really love how They rethought video editing I’m just Hoping that adobe comes out with Something similar because let’s face it Adobe’s been slacking guys like come on Come up with something pretty cool like Dscript here we have tomb this one is Also pretty awesome because it helps Create presentations instantly now you Don’t need a whole bunch of background Research search to create a pretty good Looking presentation instead you go to The browser type in what you want to Create a presentation on bam it’s going To start filling in the layouts that it

Has and also creating images using Mid-journey that match whatever content That you want instantly you have a Pretty decent looking presentation I was Pretty mindful to see how little I could Actually give it as a prompt how much of A result it would create this is next Level guys now most people know about Chat GPT but surprisingly not most People know about gpt3 playground which Is what chat gbt is mostly based off of So if you want a more unrestricted and Free-formed use of chat GPT without the Servers being down all the time or maybe Some of the results getting filtered out I recommend you check out gpt3 it’s also Created by open AI except the way you Get to it is a little bit different you Have to go onto their beta playground Section of the site and the UI may not Look the prettiest but the results I Gotta say really really impressive I’ve Actually used this to create a contract Super easy easily you just type in hey Write me a contract I can talk to it Much like I would with chat GPT except One of the huge things that I’ve noticed In chat GPT is that you can’t make it Right an erotic novel for you it’s going To filter that out and sometimes even if You ask it to write a love poem it’s Gonna say sorry can’t do that you know Guidelines and whatnot whereas gpt3 Playground is not going to restrict you

In those regards instead it’s gonna give You those answers which is super cool I’ve been able to make a certain text Prompt go from rated G to rated X and Back to G without any problems at all so Use at your own discretion those are Some of the mind-blowing Revolutionary AIS that have come out recently but I’m Pretty sure this year is going to be Jam-packed with even more tools and Stuff coming out like we got Google’s Bard coming out soon Bing is going to Get check GPT implemented as well as Some updates to Microsoft Edge and this Is just the tip of the iceberg so if you Guys want to stay up to date know what’s Going on make sure that you go ahead hit That subscribe button ding that Notification Bell so you don’t miss out On any of the super dope stuff that We’re going to be covering also you Might want to check out how awesome chat GPT is at writing code for blender to Create all sorts of awesome stuff you Can also check out this video which is Google’s AI recommending a video that it Thinks you’re gonna like so up to you Choices are endless anyways thanks for Watching hope to catch you the next one Peace [Music]

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