ChatGPT could start a new technological gold rush for artificial intelligence startups. Let’s look at 5 business ideas for GPT-3 and analyze the tech stacks of real companies using deep learning today.

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– How to make money with ChatGPT
– What are the drawbacks of AI?
– Will AI replace humans?
– What is the technological singularity
– Ways to integrate AI into an app
– What is MLOps?

If you’re not already building an AI Focus side hustle you are behind the Curve chat GPT freaked programmers out In the same way the Ben’s motor car Freaked horses out 150 years ago it Could be all hype or it could be a Paradigm shift into the artificial Intelligence age either way if you Listen carefully you can hear a stampede Of developers in the background getting In on the next technological gold rush But like I’ve said before during a gold Rush sell shovels if you want to make Money this video is my free shovel to You where we’ll take a realistic look at How to build AI driven apps from both Technical and business perspectives There’s a lot of VC money flowing into AI startups right now we’ll examine them To see how their attack is implemented And how they plan on making money and You might be surprised at how easy it Actually is to build an AI app when Using the right tools the ultimate Shovel salesman is open AI the creators Of chatgpt which is based on an auto Regressive language model called gpt3 or Technically 3.5 by now we all know how Impressive it is but what’s crazy is Gpt4s around the corner gpt3 is trained On an unprecedented 175 billion Parameters but that’s absolutely dwarfed By gpt4 with 100 trillion parameters Maybe we’ve reached the peak of what is

Possible with deep learning and gpt4 is A nothing Burger openai CEO says you’ll Be disappointed but maybe that’s what he Wants you to think because he knows the Technological singularity is near in Which all of humanity is enslaved or Exterminated either way the only thing That really matters in life is that we Make some mother effing money one idea You might have is to build your own Superior GPT model but that’s an idea I Would describe as complete you’re up Against a company with the smartest People in the world that’s received Billions of dollars in funding from Companies like Microsoft if you can’t Beat them join them their technology is Available via a paid API and just Recently became available on Azure cloud And there’s all kinds of use cases if You use your imagination one example is Video tap it which takes a video as an Input and converts it into a blog post By transcribing it and using AI to Generate headers automatically an app Like this could be accomplished by an Independent developer or small team you Could use openai whisper to do the Transcription GPT to generate the Headers and you could even throw in Something like dolly to generate unique Images for the blog post now I realized Five seconds ago I said you can’t Compete with open AI but don’t listen to

Haters like me GPT is not the only game In town you have Deep Mind from Google With other language models like Chinchilla and alphaco that’s been out There winning coding competitions and There’s also open source language models Like Bloom if you have access to a lot Of high quality data it is possible you Could train your own predictive model Then offer it as a service the process Of turning raw data into an actual Deployed machine learning model is Called ml Ops tools on Google cloud like Vertex AI handle every step of the Process they ingest and process data They train and evaluate models and then Deploy them to serverless infrastructure Where you can actually use them in an App in addition there are tools like Hugging face that provides ml Ops as a Service but they provide thousands of Open Source pre-trained models that you Can use as a starting point most Importantly you’ll want to get really Good at some kind of a specialized use Case an example that comes to mind is which can create custom AI Generated voices they have an entire Fake podcast between Joe Rogan and Steve Jobs jobs and for all you know my voice Can be entirely AI generated right now You can clone your own voice it is crazy Good uh it’s not my name is Jeff but I Did look into it and it cost tens of

Thousands of dollars to get your voice Cloned which is understandable because There’s very few companies that can Actually offer this service at a high Level at least in today’s world another Crazy example is bead oven which I’m Using right now to generate this Inappropriately tense background music It combines generative AI with real Music to create unique music or how About resume worded a tool that can Analyze your resume and Linkedin profile If you never learn to read good or write Good AI can now do all the heavy lifting And I guarantee you there are developers Right now building AI apps that will Help kids cheat on their homework at the Same time other developers are building Tools to prevent AI cheating by using AI There’s a ton of different angles to Make money here no matter what you Decide to build it’s a good idea to Build in public which can sometimes make Your business go viral that’s exactly What happened with it’s A simple next.js app that was launched a Few weeks ago and already has over 40 000 users what I love about it is that It solves one simple problem you upload A grainy photo then it uses AI to Restore it to a high resolution photo The code is all open source and as you Can see here it uses an API called Replicate to perform the image

Transformation with an open source Machine learning model in this case the Model is gfpgan but there are many other Models to choose from the key here is to Find a problem then create a no-nonsense Highly focused solution for it then Finally do some kind of tick tock dance While using it to make it go viral Another potential way to make money is To slap the label of artificial Intelligence on an existing business Model that already Works we’ve already Seen many companies do that in recent Years the like McDonald’s going fully Automated which is great because it Means no unwanted reproductive fluids in Your Big Mac or like upstart an AI Lending platform that uses machine Learning or a fancy way of doing Statistics to lend money on more factors Than just the credit score its IPO Investors are currently holding the bag For a 90 loss but its early investors Got rich you could build an app like This yourself without even using deep Learning you just need like 10 lines of Python code to run a regression on the Input data then boom you’re now an AI Lending platform assuming you also own Your own bank the takeaway here is that You can use the artificial intelligence Label to make your business look Disruptive even if it’s running a grip That’s been around forever now if you

Really want to make a lot of money don’t Look around at other cheap poor people Like yourself instead sell to Enterprise And government finish this sentence provides a tool that will save Your company 70 per year in blank costs Congratulations you just wrote a pitch For the next AI unicorn startup the Blank might be something like shipping Logistics Talent recruitment or business Presentations as is the case with this startup will take a Company’s branding and marketing assets And automatically create tons of slide Templates for business presentations I Have no idea what their Tech looks like Under the hood but it looks like a use Case for generative image models or Tools that can take text as a prompt and Return images as a result one of the Most impressive Tools in this space is Mid-journey you can use the beta by Going to their Discord and ask for Something like a business presentation For my oil and gas company the result You get back looks like something Produced by a talented human generative AI is so hot right now but there’s just As much if not more opportunity in Natural language processing another huge Cost for Enterprise is customer support Chat EPT has made it clear that customer Support jobs will largely go to AI in The coming years however the average

Company has no idea how to integrate This technology into their business move Works is just one of the companies that Is bridging this Gap they build AI chat Bots that integrate with your entire Tech stack they can solve problems Faster and cheaper than a human could Ever dream of there are tools like AWS Lex and Google dialog flow that you can Use to build chat Bots right now they Can handle business Logic on the back End with web Hooks and can be integrated With gpt3 to provide unique human-like Interactions as you can see there are Going to be tons of opportunities in the Next few years for ambitious and clever Developers however there is a dark side To all of this the technology is moving So fast that an idea that might look Like a guaranteed success today turns Out to be completely obsolete a year From now in addition the sad reality is That big Tech is going to absolutely Dominate this space they have all the Data and computing power required to Really push this technology forward it’s Really hard for me to compete with my Intel Pentium processor from my mom’s Basement even if you do manage to build A game changer Zuckerberg is just going To steal it anyway another Dark Side to AI is that this technology will likely Be harnessed by scammers it’s actually Pretty scary someone could clone my

Voice based on all my YouTube videos Then call my Grandma and tell her I got Arrested in Mexico and that she needs to Transfer some Bitcoin over to get me out Not cool to scare my grandma like that Man also at one point or another Everybody has wired money over to their Long-lost Nigerian prince relative only To be disappointed when that big Inheritance never comes through scams Like this are only going to get better We can scale them up by using tools like Chat GPT to automatically format letters In proper English well actually upon Testing I guess scam emails are not Allowed in addition you could even Target a specific person and combine Their face with some real Nigerian Prince so the target actually sees a Long lost relative with resemblance to Their own face we’re entering a Brave New World where it’s going to be very Difficult to distinguish fakery from Reality deep fakes have been around for A while but they’re only going to get Better big companies that have all your Data know everything about you they know What you read how you write how you look And how you act and they’ve been using That data to serve you advertisements But nowadays with generative AI they Quite literally have the ability to Become you in the digital sense sounds Creepy but the good news is that we can

Use this technology to live forever even If I get smashed by an elephant or fall Into a volcano I will continue making These YouTube videos because the Artificial me will be indistinguishable Nay superior to the real me and won’t Make silly typos not only will I Continue working but I will continue to Raise my family and the metaverse and Not just my kids but their kids and then Their kids because I will be the Apex Alpha artificial Grandpa the first of Its kind they could even upload me to a Lifelike robotic doll so my wife and Kids never even know I died that’s Actually a great business idea create a Company that clones a person’s Persona Uploads it to a doll that is Automatically deployed when that Person’s organic form terminates that May sound crazy but it’s within the Realm of possibility in our lifetimes Thanks for watching and I will see you Forever and ever until the end of time

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