These 5 artificial intelligence have the power to make you passive income online. Watch the full video in detail. 💵 MY #1 WAY TO MAKE A FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE 💵

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➡️ Use This BOT & Make $2,500/Week With Affiliate Marketing For Beginners In 2022

➡️ How To Make Money on YouTube Without Showing Your Face ($56,000/Month)


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What’s going on guys welcome to the Channel today I’m going to be showing You five different AI Bots that you can Use to make over one thousand dollars a Day I can almost guarantee you that You’ve never seen most of the tools I’m Going to be covering in this video and It’s going to shock you how powerful They are for each of these AI Bots we’re Going to be talking about how easy they Are to use how you can use them in your Business and how I currently use them to Run my six figure online business so First things first let’s start with what Is AI and in the simplest terms AI is The acronym for artificial intelligence Which refers to systems and machines That mimic human behavior to perform Tasks and what’s special about these AI Boxes that they have the ability to Improve themselves based on the Information that they’ve already Collected so it’s like they learn from The information we’ve inputted and they Grow with it and they get smarter so Cool now that we’re on the same page and We know what AI is we can go ahead and Move straight into these life-changing Powerful bots so the first tool we have On this list right here is called Generated photos so that’s over at and basically what this Is a AI algorithm that generates human Faces slash avatars and these are 100

Unique faces that you won’t find Anywhere online if you take a look right Down here you can see some examples of These faces that have been created using The AI and you may be thinking at this Point what is this tool used for like Where can I you know implement this into My business to make money online and to Answer that there’s a lot of big Companies out there you know that use These different faces for their online Advertising and different marketing Campaigns so think about instead of Going out there and paying big modern in Agencies these companies are cutting Back on their expenses by using an AI Platform like this which has generated Photos to get real human faces that they Can put on their websites to promote Their different products and actually Gets even more deeper with this site Right here which I’m going to show you In a second so what you need to do from Here is just go up to the top and you’re Going to click on generate a photo and Then it’s going to take you over to this Website right here and you can see it’s Just generated a random face this is not A real human face this is literally AI That’s created this face from scratch Right so let’s say I wanted to change This phase all I have to do is Click at The top here where it says random face And it’s just going to change within

Seconds you’re going to see that it’s Going to create a completely new face Just like this right and this looks like A human if I saw this you know online I Wouldn’t think that this is AI so you Can see this is extremely powerful stuff That these people are doing with these AI tools and on the left hand side here You can change it to a male or female so Let’s say I wanted to update the face And change it to a male you’re gonna see It doesn’t take long at all it’s going To change to a male right here um I can Even change your age if I want him to be You know older or younger I could change It so let’s say your marketing campaign Was aimed at you know a younger target Audience you can always go here and Change your face or appeals to that Particular target audience so let me go Ahead and update it so you guys can see So just like that it’s made it a bit Younger and if I change it to older Again you’re going to see it’s going to Update the face once again and we take a Look right down here you could even Change your motion so let’s say we Wanted to make this person look happy You can just click right here and then It’s going to update and it’s going to Show you a happy person if you want to Make them look angry you can also do as Well so there you go they look a little Bit more angry and there’s so many

Different things you can change on hair Such as you know the skin tone the hair Color the hair length if you want them To wear glasses let’s put some glasses On them to show you guys how that looks So just so that you can see you have a Wide range of variety that you can do on This website if you wanted to make any Different changes and put these you know Different artificial intelligent faces Onto your landing pages you know your Bridge Pages you know any sort of Marketing campaign you have online you Can use this for 100 free and as I said This technology is crazy we don’t know Where it’s going to be in the next five To six years from now but if they have Things like this already online who Knows what they have in store so now Moving into the next tour I got for you Guys here on the list of these five Powerful AI Bots that you can use to Make money online and this is actually One that I made a recent video on I’m Going to leave it at the top right here So you guys can check that out after you Watch this full video but this one is Cool right off and that’s over at and I have all of the tools This one right here is probably the one That’s affected my business so much and It’s save me thousands of thousands of Dollars online and the way how I see This too is like an online virtual

Writing assistant writer is an AI Writing assistant that helps you create High quality content online so if I Scroll down here you can see some of the Features that they offer you can use This to come up with a business idea Pitch you can use this to write emails You can use it to you know create Landing page and website copies the list Is just endless even if you want you can Use it to reply to messages and this Tool is very very accurate and Professional and gives you real high Quality content for my business I Currently use it to you know create Stuff for social media so all the Captions that you see on my Instagram I Use writer to create those some of my Landing pages online to get all the Copyright and done for that I use writer As well and there’s so many different Things that you guys can use it in your Business to do as well and as I said This is another great tool right here if You do anything online this tool right Here is going to save you tons of tons Of time I’m sure there’s tasks that you Have to do every single day that you Know it’s very tedious and time Consuming and if you had a tool like This you can just give all of the work To the AI technology and it will Literally complete it for you in Literally quarter of the time and this

Is not just me gassing up this tool Right here you can see they’ve won many Awards right here on the G2 website and They’re known as one of the best All-in-one writing platforms and just to Show you guys a quick example of how works I’m logging into my Account right now and this is one of the Blogs I’m actually working on but one of My websites that I run online and it’s Going to be about email marketing all I Did right here was come to the top and Choose my case so I chose blog idea Slash outline but you have a whole list Of different things here that you can Use a tool to do I decided to go blog Idea and all I did was enter my primary Keyword which is you know email Marketing and it’s giving me a full Article that I can then use to make Money online with my article so you can See for yourself that this is very easy To do and anyone can use this regardless Of their level of experience and just a Quick reminder to you guys if you’re Liking this content right now you’ve Made it to the stage of this video just Do your boy a favor and just kindly Smash that like button it really helps Me out and helps my channel out so much Much so thank you guys for that I really Appreciate you and let’s go ahead and Move into the next AI bot I got for you On this list so this tool right here is

Called play HD and this is an AI powered Text-to-speech software that generates Real human voices so ultimately what you Can do is just enter text into this Clear box right here and then click next And then you’re gonna hear a real human Voice which I’m going to show you Example of in a second now in my opinion This is definitely one of the best Text-to-speech softwares I’ve ever seen Online and trust me I’ve been doing a Digital marketing for over three four Years now so I’ve literally been through All of these different softwares online And this one is the best one I’ve seen In this category right here and some of The main things that I use this for in My business is for like voiceovers for My different you know YouTube automation Channels that I run on the side I also Use it for blog content so any of my Blogs that you go on online and you hear You know some speech or even like the Sales videos that you see on certain Landing pages this is the exact platform That I use to create all of this content And you would never know because this Actually sounds like genuine human Voices so you know it doesn’t sound like A AI but you won’t be able to tell us a Robot because of how high quality this Program is and to get started with this Right here is very easy all you have to Do is just click right here where it

Says try for free and you can sign in With your Google account or you can send To your email so what I’ve done is gone Ahead and signed in and you can see this Is what the dashboard is going to look Like and all you need to do is just Click on create audio and then it’s Going to take you over to this page now What I’m going to do is head back over To writer and what’s great about these Platform is that they’re very Interchangeable right so what you can do Is grab different content from any of Your chosen AI Bots and then you can Reuse them on any of the other bots on This list so in this case what I’m going To do is head back over to writer and I’m just going to copy this first line Right here then we’re going to go back Over to play.hd and I’m going to paste It here to show you guys how this all Works right so in the right hand side Here we can just convert this to Speech But I’m going to show you guys as an Example how this all sounds right here So you can hear for yourself how good This is email marketing is a popular Marketing strategy and it is one of the Most cost effective ways to promote your Business it is a great way to reach People who are already interested in Your product or service so there you go You’ve heard the voices very Professional it’s very clean and what I

Like about it is that they actually Pause at the full stop which gives it More of a natural feel because there’s a Lot of bots out there that you know they Wouldn’t pause they’ll just you know Keep on speaking even if there’s like a Comma or a full stop so this is very Very powerful stuff that you guys can Use in your online business to make tons Of money online and now that you guys Have seen this I want to show you an Even more powerful tool that I’ve been Using and literally crushing it online And making thousands of dollars with so What we have on the screen right now is In video and this is over at When I say guys this is probably one of The most Innovative tools I’ve ever seen Online right when it comes to ease of Creating content online in video has to Be one of the best ones out there and They produce content which in my eyes Has one of the most profitable payouts So what you can do with this tool is Actually create video from text right And I’ve actually got another full video To this one as well that I’m gonna leave At the top of the screen and you can see For yourself I’m actually implementing All of these tools right now to make Money online in this one in particular You can literally convert a piece of Text that looks you know something like This for example will probably be a

Little bit longer paste it into the in Video system and you can actually create Videos that you can you know monetize Online whether that be on a Blog a YouTube channel whether you’re selling It to people online and you can Literally make a lot of money with this So you can see right here unlock the Power of video If you haven’t been Keeping up with you know the trends Recently you know YouTube shorts have Been blown up you know Tick Tock has Been blown up or even Facebook they’re Doing rules right now so you can get a Software that can create a video for you You know within a few minutes then you Really have a lot of Leverage because This is what the market wants right now They want videos more than ever people Are not reading nowadays they’re more Attracted to videos and even if you look At Instagram they’re no longer a picture Based app they’re all about videos right So you can see for yourself this is a Massive opportunity right here that you Guys can use to make videos online and What’s great is that you don’t even have To be a professional video editor this Is extremely easy to use it’s really Just drag and drop stuff I wish I could Show you guys how easy this all is but It’s really going to take up a lot of Time in this video so make sure you go Ahead and check out in video and what

I’m going to do is actually leave a Discount code on the screen for you guys Right now and in the link in my Description that you can use to get Access to one of the Premium Accounts Which will give you access to the whole Library of different things like the Templates the transitions the effects And everything like that to make your Videos look more professional online They also have a free version as well so Once you go through to the discount link I’ve got below you can even sign up to The free plan but it will be a little Bit more restricted now the next tool I Have for you guys here on this list is Probably one of the most widely known Tools on this entire list and I’m pretty Sure you’ve probably heard about it but This tool is called grammarly that’s Over at and for the people That don’t know grammarly is just a AI Power tool that basically assists you of Writing online so if you’re someone That’s from a foreign country or English Is not your first language and you do a Lot of typing online whether that be Your essay or you know stuff that you Need to do for college or university you Can add this tool to your browser and it Will literally help you with your Mistakes and you know make sure that Everything is grammatically correct so You can see they have an example on the

Page right here and it shows you how you Can just click a button and it’ll show You all the words that you need to take Out of your sentences to make them make A lot more sense and this is another Great tool that is powered by artificial Intelligence and this is going to save You tons of Time online so if you’re Someone that’s creating content for you Know blogging you’re someone that’s Always writing emails maybe you’re Someone that’s you know creating Websites online and you’re not the best Writer this tool is really a life Changer it’s gonna save you money and It’s also going to make you tons of Money as well because if someone comes Onto a page or if someone receives an Email and you know the words are they’re Spelling mistakes there’s grammatical Errors more than likely they’re not Gonna buy from you because they’re going To think your company is very Unprofessional and you don’t want to Give off that at all you want to make Sure that you’re copying your text Everything online is you know on point So you can make the most amount of money Possible and I know there’s you know Probably tons of students on this video Right now and you might not have an Online business that you’re just Currently studying but this is a tool That you can even Implement with your

Studies because it’s going to save you Tons of times against teams you tons of Headaches you know having to do all These revisions so if I was you guys I Would definitely take advantage of Grammarly and as I said all the links Are down in the description to all these Amazing powerful AI tools that you guys Can use to make thousands of dollars Every single month so there you guys go That was all of the tools I got for you In this video If you enjoyed this go Ahead and smash the like button and let Me know down in the comment section Which one of these tools are you going To use online you’re going to use right All to help you online you know to you Know create this content maybe you’re Gonna use you know the voiceover one Maybe you’re going to use the face Generator or if you’re someone that Creates content on YouTube and Instagram You might be trying out in video just Let me know down in the comment section So I know what you guys are gonna try I Really enjoyed making this video for you Guys much love and I’ll catch you in the Next video Foreign [Music]

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