I’m going to show you 4 side hustles that you can do with AI chat gpt to make you a nice amount of money! This is going to take advantage of artificial intelligence and find ways to make money using this technology through side hustles and passive income strategies!

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I’m going to show you four side hustles with AI 
chat gpg to get you rich by making 300 plus per   Day AI has been all the crazed lately ever since 
chat GPT dropped in November of 2022 all over the   News and media we’re starting to see just how 
big of a revolutionary moment this truly is now   Ai is scary because I believe it takes away human 
critical thinking and makes us a little bit not   One to think as much and AI becomes smarter just 
think about it look at how our world is changing   Right now jobs such as teachers coders chefs 
personal trainers lawyers and much more are   All at risk because of what AI can do to replace 
them now I’m not saying AI is going to take over   And replace all of them because that will be 
fools to think since we’re so early into AI   Right now however with the introduction of chat 
GPT which again came out in November of 2022 it   Shows you just how powerful it is in the beginning 
stages you see AI is adaptive so with a ton of   People constantly asking chat gbt questions back 
and forth it’s going to make it only smarter and   Better at what it does in the future as AI 
continues to get smarter we can either choose   To be on the side being taken over or we can 
choose to work with AI and find ways to make   Money using AI to help us succeed so this is 
why you have me to guide you through this AI   Journey to ensure that you take full advantage 
of artificial intelligence and make money with   Side hustles business ideas and much more so in 
this video my friends I’m going to show you four   Side houses with AI chat gbt which will help you 
make more money and add this to an income stream   Of yours to make you a couple hundred dollars 
per day hi friends my name is Danny Dev and I   Talk all about making saving and investing money 
but before I continue please do me a huge favor   And smash that like button hit subscribe and 
turn on post notifications to be notified of   Future videos the first side hustle using AI 
will be to do virtual tutoring homework and   Essays the first step in doing this will be sign 
up for a freelancing website such as upwork where   You can create your own profile and advertise 
what you’re able to offer what you’re going to   Do then is helping others with their essays math 
homework and so on by using AI as a trustworthy   Tool once you have upwork set up and a profile for 
yourself you’re going to then hop onto chat GPT by   Going to chat.openai.com and then start building a 
portfolio out for yourself what I would suggest is   Having chat AI write you a sample essay so you can 
ask it to write you a couple essays that you can   Attach to your portfolio for example you can ask 
chatgpt to write you an essay about World War II   And its impact on society today you can also ask 
it to write an essay about other topics in school   Such as how does neurons work get creative and 
think of classes such as Science History English   And so on which you can write a ton of sample 
essays about essays is one thing you can also   Do math problems as well into chat GPT such as 
complex equations and simple one such as this an   Ash Chachi BT to solve them and show the work and 
chat EBT will solve the entire thing and explain   It over to you in sentences that you can actually 
understand now all of this is what you’re going to  

Use as a side hustle to help others you see once 
you post your portfolio of essays and math work   That you have done up work on your portfolio then 
you’re going to start hearing back from people   And you can ask them for their homework or essay 
topics and give them Solutions using chat GPT now   If they ask you any questions back for example if 
they ask you to show more work on a math problem   Or if they ask you to expand on certain essays 
you can actually just take that question and go   To chatgpt and again chatgpt AI is conversational 
so you can just simply ask them the question once   More and they will give you another answer doing 
this is a great way to start earning money on the   Side because you can start charging per essay for 
say a hundred dollars per essay math problems you   Can do a package deal where you do one piece of 
math math homework for say five to ten dollars   You can do this for multiple students and again 
I’m only talking about this in high school so far   When you advance into college then the students 
will have more money to spend and give to you so   You can take on multiple students at once doing 
this you can have ai write you a couple essays a   Day solve a couple math problems and easily clear 
300 a day the key here is to get more clients so   You have to be actively looking on upwork or other 
freelancing sites to find people to hire you now   The next side hustle is contract writing this one 
was pretty interesting because I actually utilized   This the other day to help my friend write a 
contract for someone she was going to hire to   Help her with her job chat GPT actually makes 
this very easy and straightforward so the first   Thing again just like the virtual tutoring side 
hustle is to go onto a freelancing website such   As upwork or others and start a profile to build 
your resume once you do this you can upload sample   Contracts that you create on chat GPT for example 
which my friend what she ended up doing was send   Me a couple requirements for her contracts such 
as this what I did was take this text and ask   Chachi BT that my name is Carrie and I have to 
send a contract to Christopher the contract that   I plan on hiring for him to complete the following 
things and these are the rules that he must follow   And I asked Chachi please create me a contract 
Chachi PT then created a solid contract that has   Well-written legal terms which I could personally 
use now what I would do is sample ideas that you   Can think of think of ideas such as a contract 
between a client and a contractor to plan an event   With details such as catering rental staff and so 
on other contracts can be Landscaping contracts   Such as what needs to be done the timeline 
and scope of the work another example is doing   Contracts for legal agreements between two people 
and now this one can be a little tricky because   Laws change constantly but just to get the basic 
log contracts this is a great place to start now   Once you have a couple sample contracts that you 
can add to your portfolio you can then promote it   On upwork and tell people that you’re a contract 
writer it can help people prepare agreements   Between parties with ease now you can not only do 
this on upwork but you can actually promote this   On LinkedIn as well since it’s a professional 
social media channel now regarding pay you can  

Start charging substantially less than lawyers for 
these contracts as these aren’t much as expensive   As the ones that they would build clients for but 
still solid ones to start at so per con contract   You can charge a hundred dollars at three hundred 
dollars and write a couple contracts at virtually   With ease to start making up to three hundred 
dollars plus more a day this takes us to our   Next side hustle which is to do scripts for AI 
being a content creator myself I can tell you   That writing script is a big headache of mine and 
I spend hours a day doing it based on the research   That I have to do chat GPT changes this completely 
but it’s mind-boggling that many content creators   Don’t even utilize script writing with AI so to 
get started it’s completely free again you have   To go to the artificial intelligence website head 
over to chat.openai.com and ask chatgpt to write   You a 45 second video script for example you can 
ask it to write you a 45 second video script on   The history of the Louis Vuitton bag and it will 
write you a well thought out script remember chat   GPT is conversational so you can reply back to it 
like you would in a conversation you can basically   Ask it to write you a new 45 second script if 
the other one was not well enough or to even   Make it longer or even shorter by simply asking 
it to hey please change the length now once you   Play around with it and get a grasp of how it 
really works the next step is to find content   Creators who want to hire you what I would suggest 
is going on to YouTube Twitter Instagram Tick Tock   And more and simply just messaging them yourself 
and telling them that you’re a script writer and   Will then save them a ton of time by writing the 
script for them and they can either send you the   Topic idea or you can come up with the topics for 
them to approve on top of reaching out to them on   Social media you should also consider emailing 
them and starting a profile on upwork as well   Which will expand your client Outreach now I want 
you to keep one thing in mind for script writing   With AI you really have to read over the script 
because AI is still learning and at the beginning   Stages so there tends to be repetition in the 
scripts which you really need to dig through to   Make sure that it sounds normal and doesn’t sound 
too robotic so always proofread the scripts the AI   Writes for you before you send it to the client 
regarding what you can charge I would honestly   Do a hundred dollars for about five scripts making 
it twenty dollars per video you can even do longer   Scripts such as for YouTube which ranges between 
two thousand to two thousand five hundred words   For a 10 to 15 minute script for three hundred 
dollars to even a thousand dollars because you   Can tell them it requires extensive research to do 
their script doing this multiple times and finding   Multiple clients will easily get you three hundred 
dollars plus per day by doing script writing that   Is completely automated the only effort on your 
end is to actually find the clients that would   Be interested the last side hustle is going to 
be business marketing and you’ll be shocked how   Many businesses actually need someone to help 
with this what I would first do is of course   Create an upwork profile LinkedIn and use a 
freelancing source to reach out to others by  

Creating a portfolio but the best thing I believe 
you should do is actually Google businesses near   You or in popular cities and since everything is 
basically virtual you can look bars clubs lounges   And places that require content marketing such as 
making social media posts to attract customers to   Come in now what you would do is once you find 
these businesses looking to their social medias   Websites and current ways of promotion then what 
I would do is do sample social media posts for   Them and create it for them by using chat GPT to 
come up with clever captions or posts you can ask   Chatgpt to write you a five sentence promotion 
for a local bar and chatgpt will write you a   Well-written out introduction you can expand this 
for social media posts as well say you’re going to   Post a delicious rotisserie chicken for a Peruvian 
restaurant you can ask Chad CPT to write you a   Five sentence promotion for a Peruvian restaurant 
selling rotisserie chicken and they will write   You a well written out content that will capture 
customers attention clubs bars restaurants mom and   Pop businesses don’t have the time to be able to 
write these posts out themselves so that’s where   You come in to help once you write a couple of the 
sample post that you wanted to do to actually show   Them what you have reach out to the businesses 
and show them the sample social media posts and   Promotions for them to use to show them that hey 
you can do this on a monthly basis for them and   It will charge them a monthly rate of say fifty 
dollars to a hundred dollars a month you can even   Bump this up to say three hundred dollars a month 
now remember this isn’t local only so doing this   From multiple businesses outside your area you 
can easily see a net of making thousands a month   But if you wanted to just do one big social media 
post or even just fix their entire website with AI   Writing it’s all out you can charge them a couple 
hundred dollars of a one-time fee to easily make   You three hundred dollars per day now I really 
hope these side houses with AI help you my friends   This is just the beginning of AI so I can’t wait 
to see how much more capabilities there is in   The future to come now if you want to learn more 
please join my patreon where I go more in-depth   And detail into finances and please make sure to 
get some free crypto by signing up for finance the   Links are both in my description so thank 
you again friends and I’ll see you next time

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